Monday, March 3, 2008

How can I make my blog content wishes?

So you have a niche, you have found somewhere to host your blog, and you set yourself up with an application of desktop publishing. What's next?

Well, it might be useful to think about how you present your content, and how you can actually make it jump off the screen and capture the attention of your readers. Many bloggers will start to write something more appropriate to test that of a post. Here are some pieces of advice that make sure that you leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Perhaps the most important part of any post is the title.

Why's that?

Because that is what a reader will note that the content of your site through a search engine to determine whether or not your site. This is the make or break that determines whether you have read or neglected for the benefit of someone else's content.

Robin Good, in his article on How To Write Highlights For The Headlines And Web notes that:

"Do not try to make the" intelligent "way, using irony, puns or other" journalism ".

The title building must be thought of as a label to your article in the virtual library limitless as the Internet is.

Inside newspapers, the reader is already in captivity and research within the page, for items that might be of interest.

On the Internet, titles are often displayed out of context. The reader is looking for your content and it will only get into it, if more appropriate, serious and well thought label attached to him. On the web, readers are often not the historic opportunity of the implementation of the understanding to the interpretation of titles, they are presented with.

Just like in a real library. "

This is just one of many essential parts of Robin gives advice on securities for the Web. Of course, you want your titles to be snappy and maybe even funny, but if it's to the detriment of ever being read, it makes perfect sense to adopt a more pragmatic approach.

Once you have a headline the next thing is useful to think about what actually happens when your player to your website. Certainly, it would be nice to think that they are going to read what you wrote once they clicked through. In fact, many readers will disappear from a site in a few seconds, unless they are captivated and encourage them to stay.

Muhammad Saleem CopyBlogger wrote that:

"Readers often go diagonally read the contents to determine its usefulness before giving it a good reading. And for this test direct filter, you need to write for the" diagonal "readers who scan the contents of your title push zig zag pattern. "

Muhammad suggests that you have ten seconds to convince the reader that to continue and draw on your entire position. I would say that the figure is closer to five seconds.

So how do you make your text "numérisables"?

Robin Good gives excellent advice on how to write for the Web in his post Information: Beginners Blog Design. Here, Robin emphasizes techniques such as "chunking"

"Chunking is an approach to formatting text that seeks to" modularize "contained in the largest number of genuine text blocks. Like what is done in poetry, each concept and idea is greater space to be read and understood. There is no packing paragraphs long blocks of text that knows no pause. There is no economy in having less space used digital screen ...

... A must to comply with the rule when using effective piece of content that is never going to the next line after a period. Either you continue on the same line with the sentence, or you leave a blank line and start a new paragraph below. "

Robin also suggests that fat can be used effectively as a way for readers to scan the content of your site:

"With a view to facilitating the digitization of the top players, it's a very good idea to use some" fat "to highlight the first three or four words in the content of paragraphs that are particularly important.

But then formatting and editing traditional approaches where fat is used in the middle of the penalty underline the relevance of the content elements, my personal suggestion is to use bold to emphasize once again opening words of points criticism. "

Robin finally suggests that the use of images in your messages is a key component, but it will really help capture the attention of your readers.

But where do you find these?

What do I write in my Blog ?

Well beyond the technical questions on how to blog, a question that is often asked by bloggers beginners is what they should write about.

While this will obviously depend on why you blogs, in the first place, a board, you should really consider trying to find yourself a niche. Unless you write your family or a couple of friends, the best way to distinguish and build a readership is to focus on a particular niche or topic of interest.

If this is the creation of puppets or PHP programming, how people will find your blog is most often through a search engine, and they are looking for something they want to know more about. That's where you come in.

Replying to the question of what to write about Matt DeAngelis of the subsidiary Blog writes:

"Why not start with yourself? Take a moment right now and the list of your interests. What do you look for on the Web? Make the list. Think of all the things that occupy your day at work or at home. If you live your life stuff running through the niche filter your mind - there is always something you can add to the list.

If you do not have something to write about it, do you call and leave a message. I did this repeatedly. Everyone says that I wish there was a [insert something here] on the Internet. Some of us say that a lot. Put it on the list. "

It also pays to do a little research first, as highlighted Daniel Vukadinovic daily Blogging tips:

"Ask yourself, your blog are possible? Before making any attempt to go out and learn competition. Visit as many blogs and Web sites as possible on the niche you choose and see if there is room for you. You don 't want to get sucked into a net gazillion sites on the same thing because the chances are that you will fail. There is no need ten million blogs on football as it 'is that few of them around baskeball. "

That said, the key is to drill down further. Rather than write a blog on football or basketball, why not talk about your team, on the shoes of basketball, on the way of life of a football player. In this way, you are sure to find a niche that has not already a million competitors.

Robin Good emphasizes the role of the blogger as someone who contributes to their readers navigate the infinite, the sea of ever-increasing information:

"Bloggers review and modify the information to readers, helping readers find the information from around the Web in one place at the same time, bloggers have become the" go to "expert.

The largest number of people who appreciate what confidence or a blogger has to say, the greatest number of people and to recommend a link to his blog.

A blogger readers navigate the web to find information that is relevant to its audience niche. "

It is bound to be something that you are passionate about, what really motivates you, and in some ways it is unique to you. This is where to start from your blog.

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